Category: General

Dementia vs. Alzheimer’s disease

Dementia is the syndrome of symptoms such as memory loss and decreasing ability to handle the daily functions of life. Dementia is not an early form of Alzheimer’s or some less serious disease, it is simply a catch-all term that describes Alzheimer’s, Vascular Dementia, and other specific diseases. It is frequently used because people may […]

Dementia stages

The progress of dementia in a sufferer is usually seen as having three stages. First stage of dementia In the first stage, the person has a marked deterioration of memory, impaired concentration and an increasing tendency to fatigue and anxiety. Nothing more than an obvious failure of memory may be observed for a year or […]

Krachai Dam and Martial Arts

The origin of Thai Martial Arts and Krachai Dam is the rural areas of Northern Thailand. Obviously they are related: the Krachai Dam was included during training, pre-fighting as well as frequent trauma recoveries as Muay Thai was and still remains very brutal form of Martial Art. To insure that blood will fill every little […]

Can Krachaidam fight Dementia?

Krachai Dam improves blood circulation over the whole body, and yes, one of the remarkable effects is the ability to supply blood (and oxygen and all nutrients within) to aging parts of the brain, hence significantly improving brain functions: so-called Anticholinesterase activity (prevent and cure Alzheimer’s disease) No, Krachai Dam won’t make you smarter but […]